Anita Frauwallner

Mag. Anita Frauwallner - über mich

My name is Anita Frauwallner. I am the founder and director of Institut AllergoSan and I dedicated my entire life to the bacteria in our bodies many years ago. How this came about, and above all why those microscopic bacteria are so important, you can find out here.

Mag. Anita Frauwallner - über mich
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Frau Mag. Anita Frauwallner mit Darmbakterien in einem Reagenzglas

A Stroke of Fate

The motivation behind a life of bacterial research

My interest in gut bacteria and their importance for our health began with a drastic personal blow. My beloved husband, after a trip abroad from which he returned with severe traveller’s diarrhoea, first developed ulcerative colitis (chronic inflammation of the bowel) at a young age and then developed colon cancer as a result. Although he was well-connected as a doctor himself, none of his colleagues could help him and he died at the age of only 40.

In all the years that I accompanied my husband to many hospitals, I always had the feeling that the medication he was given could alleviate the symptoms, but there was no approach to treating the cause. My attempt to find a way out of my husband’s illness through healthy nutrition, orthomolecular administration 1 of vitamins and trace elements, traditional Chinese and spagyric medicine 2 also remained unsuccessful.

It was only after his death and the feeling of having failed all along the line that I suddenly had a clear idea of what I had to do: I had to find out how the intestine and specifically its inner workings function and whether it was possible to help people improve their lives by changing this bacterial world – even into old age.

[1] Orthomolecular medicine works with substances that are naturally present in the body and on which humans depend, such as vitamins, minerals or trace elements.

[2] Spagyric medicine is a traditional European method that goes back to Paracelsus. The focus is on the spagyric essences obtained from plants through a special manufacturing process.

7 Questions - Anita Frauwallner

In this short video, I answer frequently asked questions, tell you more about myself and also about how my employees see me, for example.

(Video Audio is available in German only, English auto-translated subtitles can be activated in the video settings)

Fascination and Passion

Bacteria - The Elixir of Life

In the mid-90s, when I began to study intestinal bacteria intensively, research into this bacterial world was still in its infancy. The idea that one could influence people’s health in general via the intestine was unheard of.

Bacteria are my passion and my drive that gives me the strength to work long hours every day. They are my elixir of life.
microbiome gut flora

But in the meantime, it has been scientifically shown that the bacteria are important for our nutrient absorption, digestion and immune defence and also influence other organs such as the liver and the heart, but above all the brain. Our gut bacteria actually have an influence on our mental well-being via the “gut-brain axis“.

Only when their number is reduced, more bad bacteria have settled than good ones, or they no longer perform their functions properly for other reasons, do we notice what we have in them. For example, digestive problems, allergies or negative influences on the immune system and fertility can result from this.

Therefore, it makes sense to nurture and care for our body’s own bacterial world or to supplement it in a very targeted way if necessary. On the one hand, through a healthy, balanced diet with as much fibre as possible. On the other hand, by taking high-quality probiotics.

Microscopic Helpers

The manifold tasks of bacteria in our body

The bacteria found in the body of every human being have a variety of tasks. In order to cope with these successfully, there is ideally a large number and variety of different bacteria. The entirety of our co-inhabitants in the body is technically referred to as the microbiome. The useful microorganisms in our intestines are also referred to as the intestinal flora.

What are the specific tasks of our bacteria?

  • They break down food components and thus support our digestion.
    They improve the absorption of vitamins and trace elements.

Further tasks of the bacteria

  • Bacteria produce essential vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids that the body could not produce on its own. For example, vitamin K, which is so important for blood clotting, is produced by our intestinal bacteria.
  • In addition, they produce important messenger substances for the entire body, including for the immune system or for our brain.
  • Intestinal bacteria form a living barrier on the intestinal mucosa. This prevents foreign germs, toxins, allergy-causing substances or other harmful substances from entering our body and causing damage.
  • Some species of our intestinal bacteria can even secrete antiviral substances or activate phagocytes of our immune system.

probiotics omnibiotic allergosan bacteria


For a good gut feeling!

The translation for “probiotic” (plural “probiotics”) is “for life”. A probiotic contains viable bacteria that provide a health benefit to humans when they enter the intestine in sufficient quantities.

Probiotics must meet the following requirements:

  • Proven health-promoting effect.
  • Bacteria survive the passage through the stomach and are able to multiply in the intestine.
  • Proven genetic stability of the bacteria, in order to be able to exclude disease-causing mutations.
  • Production of lactic acid and other protective substances

In cooperation with internationally recognised universities and research institutions, Institut Allergosan has been developing scientifically relevant probiotics for 25 years. Not only do they meet the quality criteria mentioned above, but they are each specifically formulated for a particular area of application.

Each type of bacteria acts in a different way, yet they can complement each other wonderfully - comparable to a football team.

Institut AllergoSan has specialised in multispecies probiotics, which were still considered a revolution at the beginning of my research work. This means the combination of several different bacterial strains that manage different tasks particularly well and also reinforce each other’s effect.

It is not a single world-class striker that is decisive for victory, but a well-functioning team consisting of an excellent goalkeeper, strong defenders, run-happy midfielders and the best goal scorers.

When the right “team members” have been combined, then real top performances occur. That’s why each of our probiotics contains specially selected strains of bacteria whose synergistic effects have been carefully studied in advance. This is how we achieve optimal team performance.