Get in Shape - Via your gut!

You go on a strict diet, give up every little piece of chocolate, exercise, and yet when you look in the mirror you still aren’t completely satisfied with what you see. Other people, on the other hand, can eat as much as they want and maintain their figure effortlessly. This true injustice may be due to an altered composition of the intestinal flora and a slowed metabolism.

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get in shape with gut bacteria weight loss

The Importance of Gut Bacteria

The existence of so-called “fattening bacteria” (Firmicutes) and “figure-flattering bacteria” (Bacteroidetes) is scientifically proven. Numerous studies confirm that the intestinal flora of overweight people is mostly different from that of people with a healthy weight. An imbalance between these types of bacteria can therefore be responsible for a stubborn waistline.

This also explains why many people go on diets every year and almost always achieve the same result: After a few centimetres have been lost with a lot of restriction and sweaty exercise, the pointer on the scale quickly rises again shortly afterwards due to the yo-yo effect. And for many, nothing at all moves downwards – except their good mood.

Intestinal flora to balance your weight

An excess of “fattening bacteria” in the intestine is largely responsible for this. Normally, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes are present in the intestine in a balanced ratio. Studies have shown that firmicutes clearly predominate in overweight people and that the ratio between “fatteners” and “figure flatterers” can be shifted up to 2,000 : 1.

But why does an excess of “fattening bacteria” show up in front of the mirror or on the scales? The explanation is simple: studies show that these bacteria actively break down indigestible dietary fibres and gain energy from them. Therefore, in addition to the regular energy contained in the food, those affected consume up to 20 % more calories – this can amount to 200 – 400 additional calories, and that every day! Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to the equal ratio between Firmicutes and Bacteriodetes in the intestine. Specially combined probiotics and the right dietary fibres support you in this.

Slow metabolism?

Your metabolism includes all biochemical processes within the cells. During this process, nutrients, vitamins and minerals are broken down in the cells and converted or built up into other substances. It serves to supply all 70 trillion cells of the human body with the right fuel for their work.

An unbalanced diet with too much sugar and alcohol, little exercise and not drinking enough water slows down our metabolism – and this often shows up on the scales. To really get the metabolism going again, it is important to bring exercise into everyday life and, above all, to provide the body with nutrient-rich foods as fuel. If you want to do even more, you can also give your metabolism an extra boost with proven plant power.

Balance in the gut

If you want to get in shape, then you have to watch what you eat and exercise more – a statement that is often made, which is true and also leads to the desired figure for many people. But for some, the appearance does not seem to be impressed by sharp calorie control and sporting activity – how can that be?


- the "fattening" bacteria

If there are too many of these bacteria (aggressive fibre-splitting clostridia from the genus Firmicutes) in the intestine, there is a big catch. Studies show that these bacteria actively break down indigestible dietary fibres and gain energy from them. Therefore, in addition to the regular energy contained in food, those affected consume up to 20% more calories – this can amount to 200-400 additional calories, and that every day!

In addition, firmicutes feel particularly comfortable with diets rich in carbohydrates (e.g. from sweets, white flour-based products, etc.) and can multiply extremely well – a downward spiral begins! From an evolutionary point of view, the existence of firmicutes makes perfect sense: if our ancestors were “good food utilisers”, they had greater chances of survival and also of reproduction when food sources were scarce. However, in the modern day, the abundance of food we have means that these primordial bacteria are no longer a blessing.

However, it is important to note that there are also “good” and “bad” Firmicutes. The “good” Firmicutes primarily include our lactobacilli, which regulate the pH value in the intestine and prevent the colonisation of harmful germs. Bad, on the other hand, are most types of clostridia, among which one finds a great many putrefactive organisms and with its increased presence one can unmistakably smell when going to the toilet. A particularly aggressive type is the group of XIVaR clostridia.



Bacteroidetes - the "slimming" bacteria

The bacteria that support us on the way to getting in shape are called “Bacteroidetes”. They have recognised that it is not necessary to metabolise all sugar and carbohydrates when there is already enough energy available to the human body. Therefore, these bacteria encapsulate and isolate the excess sugar in the intestine, which is then transported out of the body with the stool.

This fact can be clearly demonstrated by comparing the so-called residual energy value of the stools of healthy and overweight people: In people with a healthy weight, the calorie content of the stool is significantly higher – so more unnecessary sugar is excreted.

However, these “figure-flattering bacteria” are anaerobic, which means they are not viable in an environment with oxygen. Therefore, it is not possible to simply ingest these bacteria in the form of a probiotic but we have to make it comfortable for them to remain in our intestines. These important bacteria love apple pectin. This valuable dietary fibre also has the property of swelling in the stomach and intestines, giving you a full feeling in the digestive tract.

The 3-Step Gut Health Concept for Weight Management

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Step 1: OMNi-BiOTiC® metabolic

Das „Ungleichgewicht“ im Darm muss kein Dauerzustand bleiben: Forscher renommierter Kliniken konnten nachweisen, dass die „Dickmacher-Bakterien“ auch wieder verdrängt werden können. Darmexperten ist es gelungen, die richtigen Bakterienstämme, welche die unerwünschten Mitbewohner nachhaltig aus dem Darm verdrängen können, zu kombinieren und in OMNi-BiOTiC® metabolic zu vereinen.

Rühren Sie einfach 1 x täglich 1 Beutel OMNi-BiOTiC® metabolic in ca. 1/8 l Wasser ein, geben Sie den Bakterien 1 Minute Zeit, um ihre Aktivität zu entfalten, und ebnen Sie dann Schluck für Schluck den Weg zu einer attraktiven Wunschfigur. Empfehlenswert ist die Einnahme auf möglichst leeren Magen – so können die Bakterien besonders rasch in den Darm gelangen und hier ihren Aufgaben nachkommen.

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On the way to the desired figure, the bacterial “balance” in the intestine can be influenced in two ways: In addition to suppressing the “fattening bacteria”, it is essential to increase the “figure flatterers” in the intestine. These important companions love apple pectin; this valuable dietary fibre also has the property of swelling in the stomach and intestines and thus “filling” the digestive tract.

OMNi-LOGiC® APPLE PECTIN contains only high-quality apple pectin, is free from additives of any kind and, with its purely vegetable capsule shell, is also suitable for vegans. Simply take 3 capsules twice a day – preferably with plenty of water or tea so that the pectin can fully develop its swelling properties. The long-term use of OMNi-LOGiC® APPLE PECTIN in combination with OMNi-BiOTiC® metabolic has proven to be most effective.

CHARANTEA® metabolic: Die Optimierung des Stoffwechsels

Step 3: CHARANTEA® metabolic

In addition to a balanced diet and exercise, the power of certain plants has also proven to really boost the metabolism. In particular, the exotic bitter cucumber (Momordica Charantia) has a high value as a “metabolism booster” and has been used in Asian medicine for a long time. The bitter plant substances of Momordica Charantia are important companions on the way to the desired figure: they promote the release of bile acids, which stimulates digestion – and also inhibits the craving for sweets!

The high-quality tea specialities of the CHARANTEA® metabolic product range contain Momordica Charantia, refined with valuable spices and selected plants to help you get in shape. Simply pour 350 – 500 ml of boiling water over the filter bag, cover and leave to brew for 5 – 7 minutes (longer brewing times can make the tea bitter). CHARANTEA® metabolic teas are suitable for regular use up to three times a day, preferably after meals, when the metabolism is stimulated by food intake.